"Earn recurring commissions on subscriptions you refer and continue to earn for as long as that account remains active"

Thank you for your interest in joining the County Records Research Affiliate Program.

Affiliate partners earn up to 20% of the subscriber fees for each signup they or their website generates. Affiliate Partners can review their traffic and sales information on-line, and receive monthly payments for business generated (depending on volume).
You will also have access to a free foreclosure lookup application to put on your website which serves as a FREE LEAD GENERATOR for your business.
To see it in action, click HERE

To join the County Records Research Affiliate Program, please provide us with the following information.


Acceptance to the County Records Research Affiliate Program is not guaranteed. While careful consideration is given to every application submitted, rejection may occur for any of the following reasons:

  1. Incomplete or false contact information,
  2. Invalid business or personal Tax ID
  3. Unacceptable promotional methods
  4. Unacceptable Web site content, including promotion of activity considered illegal in the United States.
  5. Inability to verify Web site(s), phone number(s), and e-mail(s).

Please fill out this application fully and honestly. Fraudulent activity is not tolerated and will result in immediate account suspension and reversal of commissions.